Sunday, June 5, 2011


This little boy brings so much joy in my hear my name...Mamie!  I always thought that my three children were the joy of my days but being a Mamie is the best thing ever.  The neatest thing is he is getting older and he knows us when he sees us.  We opened the door to his house late Friday night and he said Mamie ....Pappy  What joy is that!  God has blessed us with him in our lives.  I miss him so much being a state away.  I keep telling myself that God knows best but God couldn't we be just closer to him and all the kids?  Until that time I will be super excited when I sling that door open or bring up the skype to hear our little boy saying:  Hey, Mamie!  By the way, that 8 + hour drive was worth every penny of it~